
Friday, July 27, 2012

Crease/Blending Brushes Part 2

So continuing on with my comparisons. Today I will be discussing what I like to use as detail brushes for my crease because they are so small. I use them when I want to carve out my crease and create a really defined shape. Please refer to this post for more detail on crease brushes and brush hairs.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crease/Blending Brush Comparisons Part 1

I decided that with the one million and one brushes that I have I needed to do a comparison post. Since I love a great blended eye I will start with blending and crease brushes. Blending/crease brushes are an essential part of an eye look.

Unless you are intentionally creating a harsh or carved crease then you absolutely need blending/crease brushes to diffuse and blend colors smoothly and evenly from one to the next. I typically blend the colors where they meet. These brushes are also excellent when you have heavily pigmented colors that you want to have lightly applied to the brow, crease, or mobile lid. They are also great for a light wash of color over the eye.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Inglot Rainbow Eye Shadows

When Inglot released their rainbow eye shadows I knew I had to have them. If they were anything like their other pressed shadows they were going to be excellent. This past Christmas I open up a gift from my sister who had just returned from Las Vegas a month or two prior and I see ALL of the rainbow shadows!!! I was so excited I could not believe it. It was the one thing she knew I had not purchased yet. I can be an impulse buyer, and when I want something, especially makeup I don't wait!

When I brought my colors home I carefully arranged them on the bed in the order I wanted to place them in the palette(that's my ocd kicking in). I always label my palette before placing colors inside of it so that I don't have to try and remove the colors and risk breaking them. Well for some reason I thought that I had mislabeled my colors and had to remove them anyway and that's when tragedy struck! Several of my eye shadows chipped, cracked, and broke! :(

I learned later from the fabulous Enkoremakeup that a heavy duty magnet will resolve the issues of removing the Inglot shadows from the palette. I promptly drove over to Home Depot and purchased one and now my removal woes are solved...hallelujah! The first picture will be one that I took when only a couple of shadows had been chipped. The next picture is when I tried to remove the shadows and several of them chipped and cracked. Oh well, they still work the same. :-/

All of the colors are matte. They are $8.00/eye shadow and are 2.5g/.09 oz. You can purchase the rainbow eye shadows here.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Inglot Body Pigments Pearl

If you love shimmer, sheen, and multi-dimensional glitter then these pigments will be right up your alley! The Inglot body pigments pearl are chocked full of metallic shine! These pigments are absolutely divine and a little bit goes a long way, so you don't need much. I always wear my colors with a base for intensity and when you add a base to these colors that's exactly what you get! You can also mix the pigments together for your own custom color. The pigments are extremely finely milled and feel like silk. Each pigment is 1g/.04 oz and they cost $14. You can purchase the pearl body pigments here.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Inglot Body Pigments Matte

Here are some of the pigments I bought from Inglot at the Makeup Show. Inglot released 40 new body pigments, 20 shimmer and 20 matte. I bought all 40 and these are matte pigments from the collection. The intensity of these pigments is insane! The colors are absolutely gorgeous! If anyone knows me they know that I love matte eyeshadows, and these are no exception! Inglot hit the ball out of the park with these pigments! I swatched these colors on bare skin with no base. I have worn a few of these colors on my eye and did have a reaction to one of the colors(124). My eyes were sore and had a lot of mucus, so be warned! I can't be mad, because they do say "body pigments" and I tried them on the eye anyway. I haven't had a chance to try any others! If you do try them on the eye, proceed with caution and know that you may have an allergic reaction. You can purchase the matte body pigments for $14 here.