
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What I've been up to

Well a lot has been happening in my life lately. First and foremost my baby girl who has been an absolute joy in the life of my husband and I! She is almost 2 and boy has time been absolutely flying by! She has such a huge personality, she's strong willed and so smart. We are so incredibly blessed! Here is our Elle belle as we call her:

In other news I signed with a makeup agency here in Houston named VCI and have started doing more commercials, magazine and corporate shoots, celebrity events. It has been a real blessing and allowed me to do work that would typically be more common in places like New York and California. Here are a few of the projects that I have worked on:

The Final Four:

Komen PSA

I did makeup for all of Michael Strahan's daughters

So that's pretty much the update on me. I am trying to slowly get back into this blogging thing, which is easier said than done now that I have a little one. I hope you all have been doing well! Thanks for checking in! :)